Tuesday, January 25, 2011

words worth

written words...
how many have there been
since man first pressed
a stick into damp clay?
the scribe, the monk, the wielder of the quill
Gutenberg, who multiplied words for the masses
novels, sonnets, limericks, lyrics
words of love
declarations of war
words chiseled into gravestones
or hastily scribbled on notes passed in class
words printed daily in the news
presses running at full speed to spit them out
words burned in hatred
as if fire and smoke could destroy ideas
words transformed into bits and bytes
hurling through cyberspace
words that will live forever
lining library shelves
words that die on the vine
jotted, quickly crumpled and tossed away
Shakespeare's 884,647 words
a spec of stardust in the cosmos
of all the words that have ever been

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