Sunday, January 2, 2011

for life

wolves, despite their reputation
coyotes, perhaps not as wily as you think
beavers never split
barn owls, who-who-who who knew
bats never bat an eye at another
eagles grow old and bald together
albatrosses forever hang about each other's neck
black vultures, good looks apparently not a prerequisite
swans don't just look hopelessly romantic
doves, as in two turtle doves
condors, well, this hasn't worked out for them
termites eternally gnawing in unison
French angel fish, though amorous are true
anglerfish stick together in the blackness of the deep blue sea
prairie voles
sandhill cranes
schistosoma mansoni worms
yes, even the lowly worm
they mate for life
but noticeably absent
from this long list
is man

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