Sunday, January 2, 2011

tree at the Plaza

she stood there so wistfully
gazing at the holiday tree
in the lobby of the Plaza
wearing a dress that
was the height of fashion
thirty years before
that had been tailor fit
to her then curvaceous figure
in Bergdorfs or Saks
but now hung loosely
from shoulders stooped
by too many years
and too many worries
she stood there remembering
the times long ago
when she would meet
friends for tea
or her husband for a drink
before heading to the theater
she stood there as the
doorman eyed her with pity
and the man behind the desk
gave her a look of disdain
she stood there a long while
taking refuge from the bitter
wind howling down fifth avenue
her eyes a bit glazed
the hint of a tear on one cheek
and her thoughts many years away
a chill passed through me
as i wondered to myself
if one day fate might cast me
as the lonely old lady
standing in the lobby
in front of the Plaza's tree

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