Sunday, March 24, 2013

there's an app for that

Here are some photos from my archives, toyed with using a new photo editing app.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

dusty jars

the past
is still there
inside a dusty
jar on a dark
it sits, in line
with all
the others,
each a moment,
a day,
a laugh,
a tear.
all those bits
there for you
to pull down
and open,
take a whiff,
a little taste,
and live again
in that unreal
that is memory.
all of those dusty jars,
that when put
are your

Sunday, March 3, 2013

blanket of stars

i want to be
that lays out
the night sky
in a carpet
of stars before
my eyes
and fall asleep
with the milky way
as my blanket