Thursday, May 26, 2011

33,163 days

33,163 days
the span of a life
here on this
spec of a planet
the life of a man that
passed through
and prosperity
that fulfilled
the roles
laid out by
son, brother

husband, father
citizen, honest man
in the end he said
i didn't make my goal
but i'm ready to die now

Thursday, May 19, 2011


the moon is full tonight
it says so
on the calendar
but there is no
plump white pearl
ascending above the trees
no trace of sparkling
silver path on the water
dark clouds crowd the sky
leaving no trace of
moon phase or light
yet we believe
that the moon is full
and we believe
that next month
it will be full once more

rising in clear skies or clouded
this must be what faith is

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

more abstract

 fractal graphic                                                                                 © 2011 d.m. shepherd

Sunday, May 1, 2011

like a cat

he said
you are so like a
and i replied
can you be somewhat
more precise?
would that be a cat
like Maggie
dancing on a hot
roof made of tin
or more like
the cat encountered
by Alice
sporting a Cheshire grin
what about a cat
on the cover of NatGeo
hunched over a
gruesome kill
or the kitty curled
and purring

on your sunlit windowsill
which of those cats
is it that i am so like?
a bit of each he sighed
a bit of each